The File Manager is a tool to manage your digital assets in one online storage space. Use the File Manager to upload and host videos, documents, PDFs, images, and audio files on the Sinorbis platform.
You and your team can review, add, and update the materials you need to build website pages and posts. You can also use these assets to produce offline products such as brochures, sell sheets, and other sales support material.
See also
Locating the File Manager
- Click WEBSITE on the top menu bar. The Website Content page displays.
- On the left side menu, select the CONTENT folder and then click Files. The Files page displays.
1 Reviewing assets
The File Manager shows information about the assets in your online storage space. There are 4 types of file information:
- name
- type
- size
- last updated
List Order
Select the Up or Down arrows on the menu to change the list order of assets (i.e. ascending or descending).
The figure in the top right corner of the page shows how much storage space you are using. Each Sinorbis account comes with unlimited storage (excluding video files). Use this space to store:
- images (e.g. png, jpg)
- audio (e.g. mp3)
- documents (e.g. pdf, MS Word doc)
The amount of video storage you have available depends on your subscription type. Both the Sinorbis Pro and Digital Suite subscriptions include a total video storage of 5GB and a 125MB bandwidth for playing videos on your website. Additional video storage and bandwidth can be added to your subscription based on your video hosting needs. Contact your account manager for more information.
Video files need to meet the following technical specs before you can upload them to your Sinorbis account:
- 500Mb maximum file size
- mp4 extension
- 264 encoded. This is the current industry standard for video compression. If you’re existing files require encoding, you may find this software useful.
- HD Resolution (1080p)
Your file manager allows you to easily keep track of your total available video storage as well as the video data already used for the current month. You will also receive email notifications when your monthly video data usage has reached 50%, 75% and 100%. If you choose not to increase your limit, videos on your website will stop playing until the bandwidth data is reset at the beginning of the next month.
Holding the mouse pointer over a file name changes the colour of the display. It also opens access to two functions:
- Copy link. Copies the URL. Use this feature to create a text link that opens content, such as a pdf, MS Word document, or audio file.
- Open. Open the image file in a new window.
2 Adding files
To upload a file to the File Manager:
- Click the Add button.
- Find the image file on your computer in the active window.
- Select the image file.
- Click Open in the active window.
You cannot upload video to the File Manager and post it to your website. Video must be uploaded to the Youku or Tencent platforms. From those platforms, link to or embed video on your website.
For more information, see:
3 Deleting files
To delete a file, or multiple files, from the File Manager:
- check the box beside the file name
- click the red Remove button
- click Yes in the Confirmation box
4 Searching files
Use the Search function to find files. Search by file name or file type.
- Type the search word in the Search field.
- To begin searching, press Enter on the keyboard or click the round Search button.
- A list of resources displays on the screen.
- Click the X in the Search field to cancel the search and return to the full list of files.
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