This article shows you how to publish WeChat posts as website pages. If you are active on WeChat, you know the time and resources required to assemble and publish that content. But since WeChat is a closed system, those posts don't contribute to your site's SEO success.
Two Publishing Tools
We've developed two tools to leverage the WeChat work by boosting your website content. These tools are:
- Auto-generate
- Past Posts
Auto-generate lets you publish content as a web page right after sending a WeChat post to followers. This time-saving tool completes two tasks back-to-back while the content is on your computer screen.
The Past Post tool is different. It reaches back into your WeChat archive. With a simple drag and drop component, you can place previously published WChat content on a web page.
For both tools, the end result is the same: WeChat content on a web page that you can edit.
These tools offer two main benefits.
- More website content helps improve visibility and encourages site visitors to stay longer.
- Our tools produce fresh new website content with little effort on your part.
Each tool is described below.
1 Sending a post to followers
The first step is to create a WeChat post and send it to followers. For more information, see:
2 Auto-generating web page content
2.1 Publishing a WeChat article on your website
After sending a WeChat article to your followers, a new panel displays.
- To post the article on your website as a new page, click Publish post to Website. The Generate a Web Page panel displays.
- To do nothing else, click Done.
2.2 Customising the metadata
In the previous step, you selected Publish post to Website. After that, the Generate a Web Page panel displays with pre-filled data fields. The pre-fill process is not perfect, so it's a good idea to check the information for accuracy and completeness.
- Review and update information.
- Add new keywords (Chinese script), if required.
- Click Publish Now to push the page live.
- Click Publish Later to save the page as a draft.
If you click Publish Now, a popup box displays. It's a reminder that you might need to wait a few minutes before the page is created.
2.3 Viewing the page
A few minutes after publishing, the WeChat page appears on your website.
- On the main menu click WEBSITE. The Website Content page displays.
- Scroll down and look for the page with a green WeChat icon.
- Check the status (published or draft).
- To view the WeChat page, click the URL under the page name. The page displays in a new tab.
3 Publishing past posts
Here's the second tool. It places previous WeChat content on your website. This tool uses a drag and drop component.
Before publishing WeChat content, you have to decide where you want to place the content:
- on a blank page, or
- an existing page.
3.1 Locating the WeChat component
- Open the web page in the Edit Content area.
- On the left side of the page, locate the components.
- Scroll down.
- The WeChat component is at the bottom.
3.2 Opening the WeChat component
You can place the WeChat component in different places. For example:
- inside a section
- inside a column next to other content
- on a blank page as stand-alone content without a header or footer
To place WeChat content on a page:
- Drag the WeChat component to the web page. A WeChat panel displays with a list of options.
- Scroll through the list and select the past WeChat post you want to place on the web page.
- Release the mouse. The WeChat content sits inside a section called WeChat Post.
The image below shows WeChat content on a web page. If you hover the mouse pointer on the WeChat content, a green toolbar displays.
3.3 Previewing content
You can preview a WeChat post before it's published on a web page. The Preview feature lets you see the entire post so you can evaluate the content and layout.
- To preview a WeChat post, scroll to the top of the Edit Content page and click Preview. A Preview page displays in a new tab.
- If you like the post's content and layout, return to the Edit Content page and click Save.
If you don't like the post and want to remove it from the page:
- Return to the Edit Content page.
- Hover the mouse pointer on the WeChat post. The green toolbar displays.
- Click the Remove button (x).
4 Editing content
You can edit the content and layout of a WeChat post. These edits do not affect any published content that might be live on the WeChat system.
These edit instructions apply for post content created with the Auto-generate and Past Post tools.
- With the page open in the Edit Content area, click any part of the WeChat content (but not the toolbar). The WeChat Editor displays.
- Edit the content as required.
- Click DONE at the top of the page. The WeChat Editor closes and the Edit Content area page displays with your revised content.
- Click Save at the top of the page.
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