This article shows you how to access the Edit Content area and Website Content area of your website. As you create more pages and add more content, switching between the Edit Content area and Website Content area becomes routine.
The design and functionality of the Edit Content area and Website Content area are the same for custom builds and templates.
1 Working in the Website Content area
To go to the Website Content area:
- Click WEBSITE on the top menu bar.
- On the left side menu, select the CONTENT folder and then click Manage. The Website Content page displays.
The Website Content area lists your pages. Hover the mouse pointer over a page line, and a toolbar appears. Here you can:
- edit
- delete a page
- publish (make it available for people to see online)
- unpublish (make it unavailable to see online)
- clone (make a copy of the page)
- revert to an earlier version of the page
The toolbar also describes the page’s status:
- Draft means unavailable to view online
- Published means available for people to see online
In the above image, the Pencil icon next to page name indicates the page has new content that has not been published. The Pencil icon disappears after all new content on the page has been published.
1.1 Viewing updates
In the UPDATED column, you can see two important pieces of information:
- the date and time of the last page update
- the username of the last person to update the page
2 Working in the Edit Content area
To open the Edit Content area of a page:
- Go to the Website Content area.
- Hover the mouse pointer on a page line.
- Click Edit on the toolbar.
The Edit Content area takes you inside a single page. Here you can:
- modify the header and footer
- add or delete sections and content
- create links
To go to the Website Content from the Edit Content area:
- Scroll to the top of the Edit Content page.
- Click the button Back to website pages.
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