This article shows you how to integrate a Sinorbis contact form with your Hubspot account.
Integration means moving data from one platform to another. The data you collect via the Sinorbis contact form is automatically transferred to your Hubspot account. With a copy of your data on Hubspot, you can access a variety of lead management and marketing tools.
To integrate your Sinorbis contact form and Hubspot account, you first need to complete four tasks:
- Integrating your Sinorbis account with Hubspot
- Create a contact form on Sinorbis.
- Create a Hubspot account.
- Create a form on Hubspot.
1 Opening the Sinorbis forms page
Begin the integration process by opening the Forms page on your Sinorbis site.
- Click WEBSITE on the top menu bar. The Website Content page displays.
- Inside the CONTENT folder, select Forms. The Forms page displays.
2 Preparing forms for integration
Integrating forms is a two-step process. The first step is to establish a link between Sinorbis and Hubspot. This step requires no special skill.
After completing this step for the first time, you may be able to skip this step and proceed directly to Step 3 when integrating other forms with Hubspot.
- Hover the mouse pointer on the contact form you want to integrate with Hubspot. The Integrations button displays.
- Click the Integrations button. A popup box displays.
- Click Migrate. The Sinorbis platform updates your contact form and then returns to the Forms page.
3 Integrating a form with Hubspot
The second step is to integrate the Sinorbis contact form with your Hubspot form.
- Hover the mouse pointer on the Sinorbis contact form. The Integration button displays.
- Click Integration. A popup box displays with your integration options.
- Select Hubspot. An options box displays your Hubspot forms.
- Select the Hubspot form that you want to link to your Sinorbis contact form.
- The mapping popup box displays.
A typical mapping popup box is displayed below:
- On the left side, you see the data fields on the Sinorbis contact form.
- On the right, you see three drop-down menu boxes. These boxes contain link options to the Hubspot form.
4 Mapping the data fields
Mapping is a simple but important process. It is similar to connecting the dots on a piece of paper. Mapping tells the computer system to connect one data field on your Sinorbis contact form with one data field on your HubSpot form. Mapping copies and moves data from the Sinorbis contact form to the Hubspot form.
To create the mapping, continue from Step 3 above:
- Click one drop-down menu box. A list of data fields displays.
- Select the Hubspot data field you want to link to the Sinorbis contact form data field.
- Repeat for all fields.
- Click Confirm to save. A popup box message displays.
- Click OK to confirm. The Forms page displays.
5 Locating the Hubspot integration icon
There are two ways to see if the Sinorbis contact form is connected to a Hubspot account. The first way is to look for the Hubspot icon.
- Click WEBSITE on the top menu bar.
- Inside the CONTENT folder, select Forms. The Forms page displays.
- Locate the contact form you linked to a Hubspot form (Step 4 above). The Hubspot icon should be visible beside the form name.
6 Testing the integration
The second way to test integration is to submit test data via the Sinorbis contact form. If successful, you should see data appear on the Sinorbis and Hubspot accounts. Note: this test works only if the webpage is published.
- Click WEBSITE on the top menu bar. The Website Content page displays.
- Locate the webpage with the form you want to test.
- Open that webpage by clicking the URL under the page name.
- Enter basic information in the form.
- Click Submit.
- Go back to the Sinorbis Forms page.
- Hover the mouse pointer on the contact form you are testing.
- Click the View Submissions button. The Submissions page displays.
- Locate the record you entered as test data. It should be at the top of the list.
- Click the View Submitted Data button. The Submitted Data page displays on the right side of the screen.
Email notifications
During the testing process, you might receive an email notification. The email message tells you someone has submitted a form. Email notification is an option that you can set while customising a Sinorbis a contact form. For more information, see:
Forms on which page?
Forms are not edited on the Forms page. Instead, you open the webpage which holds a form. Then you edit the form.
Here's a tip if you can't remember which page holds the form you want to change.
- Click WEBSITE on the top menu bar.
- Inside the CONTENT folder, select Forms. The Forms page displays.
- Locate the form you want to edit.
- On the same line, check the form's page name.
- Locate the menu on the left side of the page.
- Inside the CONTENT folder, select Manage. The Website Content page displays.
- Locate the page with the form you want to edit.
- Hover the mouse pointer on the page. The toolbar displays.
- Click Edit. The page opens in the Edit Content area.
- Locate the form on the webpage and then edit.
7 Viewing test data on the Hubspot account
Step 6 above shows you how to verify the Sinorbis contact form is collecting data. The next step is to find the same information on Hubspot.
- Login to your Hubspot account.
- Click the Marketing tab on the top level menu. A drop-down menu displays.
- Select Forms on the drop-down menu. The Hubspot Forms page displays.
- Hover the mouse pointer on the form linked to your Sinorbis contact form. An Action button displays.
- Click the Action button. A menu displays.
- Select View Submissions.
- Locate the test record. It should be at the top of the list.
- Hover the mouse pointer on the record and then click View Submission. The Submission Details page displays.
8 Removing Hubspot integration
You can remove contact form integration with HubSpot. Removing the integration does not change the contact form on your Sinorbis or Hubpost accounts.
- Go to the Forms page on the Sinorbis platform.
- Hover the mouse pointer on the contact form you want to edit. The Integrations button displays.
- Click Integrations. A popup box displays.
- Click Remove Integration.
- Click Yes in the confirmation box. The Forms page displays. The Hubspot integration icon is now absent.
9 Adding a data field to a form
It is possible to add a data field to a published contact form and link it to a Hubspot form. Though possible, we suggest you add or edit forms during the testing process and not after the form has been used by website visitors to submit data. When you add a new data field to a form, you cannot capture information from people who already submitted a contact form.
Adding a new data field is a three-step process.
Step 1 Change the Sinorbis contact form
- On the Sinorbis platform, go to the Website Content page.
- Hover the mouse pointer on the page that contains the contact form you want to change and then click Edit. The webpage displays.
- Scroll down to the contact form and then click the form once. The Form Components panel displays on the left side of the screen.
- Select the component you want and drag it to the contact form.
- Customise the form, as required.
- Click Save at the button of the contact form.
- Scroll up to the top of the page and then click Publish.
Step 2 Change the Hubspot form
- Login to your Hubspot account.
- Click the Marketing tab on the top level menu. A drop-down menu displays.
- Select Forms on the drop-down menu. The Hubspot Forms page displays.
- Hover the mouse pointer on the form that is linked to the Sinorbis contact form.
- Click the name of the form you want to change. The Edit page displays.
- Select the component you want and then drag it to the form. Customise as required.
- Scroll to the top of the page and then click Publish.
Step 3 Update integration mapping
- Go back to the Sinorbis website and then open the Forms page.
- Hover the mouse pointer on the form you changed. Click the Integrations button. A popup box displays.
- Click Configure Field Mapping.
- The mapping popup box displays all data fields, including the new additions.
- Click the drop-down menu beside the new data field and then select the matching Hubspot data field.
- Click the Confirm button.
- Click OK in the confirmation popup box.
10 Deleting a data field
It is possible to delete a field from the Sinorbis contact form. No mapping changes are required.
- Go to the Sinorbis website and then open the Website Content page.
- Hover the mouse pointer on the webpage that contains the form you want to change. The toolbar displays.
- Click the Edit button. The webpage displays in the Edit Content area.
- Scroll down to the contact form.
- Delete data fields as required.
- Click Save at the button of the contact form.
- Scroll to the top of the page and click Publish.
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