This article shows you how to publish a WeChat article. Publishing an article means you send it to your followers. There are 3 publishing tools:
See also
Previewing an article before sending it to your followers is always a good idea. You can check the layout, fix errors, and make improvements before readers see the final product.
To learn how to preview your content, see:
1 Sending to all followers
After previewing and editing your article, you are ready to send it out. Sending an article to followers is a two-step process: upload to WeChat and then send.
- Go to the Edit Content page
- Scroll up to the top of the page and then click Upload to WeChat.
- Select Yes in the warning box. The Edit Content re-displays.
- Click the green button Send to Followers.
- After the article has been sent, a Success message displays.
2 Sending to a segment
In some cases, you might want to send an article to a segment of your followers. You can set up filters to define the segment you want to target. There are three filters. Use one, or all, of the filters to define a segment.
- Go to the Edit Content page.
- Select a segment of your followers based on Country, Gender, or Groups. A green line of text shows the number of followers to receive the article based on your segment setup.
- To send the article now, click the green button Send to Followers.
- After the article has been sent, a Success message displays.
- Click OK to close the message.
3 Scheduling a publication time
You can control when an article is published. The options are: Publish Now or Publish Later.
Publish Now is the default setting. If you select Publish Later, select the date and time in the panel. In our experience, articles sent between 8-10 am or 6-9 pm China Standard Time (CST) achieve the best open rates. All publishing times are CST.
To publish later:
- Go to the Edit Content page.
- Define a target segment (Step 2), if required.
- Click Publish Now and then select Publish Later in the menu. A schedule displays.
- Select the day and time.
- Click Set Schedule.
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