This article shows you how to find WeChat account information on the Sinorbis platform. You also learn how to change WeChat account information.
Information on your account page is not created by the Sinorbis platform. That information comes from the WeChat portal.
1 Locating WeChat
On the top menu, click WECHAT. The WeChat Content page displays:
- a menu on the left side of the page
- the names and publication status of articles
- basic file information (e.g. publication status, upload date, reader and shares stats)
2 Locating WeChat account information
- On the WeChat Content page, locate the WeChat menu on the left side of the page.
- Click the SETTINGS folder and then Account. The Account Information page displays.
3 Changing WeChat account information
The Account Information page shows important business information. That includes your WeChat account QR code.
It is possible to change some, but not all, of this account information. To change account information, go to the WeChat portal, log on to your account, and change settings on that platform. On the WeChat portal, you can change (up to 5 times per month):
- account name
- business name
Other information, like WeChat ID number and Service Type, is set by Tencent (the owner of WeChat) and cannot be changed.
Before making changes on the WeChat platform, we suggest you contact a Sinorbis representative first. Changes on the WeChat platform could affect what your WeChat viewers see.
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